iso (example: hdiutil convert /path/to/macOS_1100_installer.dmg -format UDTO -o /output/path/macOS_1100_installer.iso)

Want to build yourself a Big Sur beta 9 VM for testing purposes? Read on. Let's just dig into how to get this ball rolling.

But if you try to build a VM using the beta 9 full disk image it will fail stating that it is unable to create the installation medium.

Testing Big Sur in a VM using VMware Fusion 12. I expect this to be a completely unnecessary speck of the internet within a few days. This may change with beta 10 or an update to VMware Fusion 12. No timeframe has been provided for the public release of VMware Fusion for M1 Macs, and pricing and upgrade options remain to be seen.⚠️ Important Note: this is being written at a time when the only full macOS Big Sur beta installer available is beta 9. Earlier this year, VMware competitor Parallels boasted about the ability to run the Arm-based Windows preview on an M1 Mac with Parallels Desktop 16.5, but fine print notes that customers are responsible for making sure they are compliant with an operating system's licensing agreement. Microsoft does not yet offer a retail version of Arm-based Windows, but a preview version is available to Windows Insider program members. In a blog post last April, Roy said "there isn't exactly much business value relative to the engineering effort that is required" to support Intel-based operating systems on M1 Macs, adding that VMware is "laser focused on making Arm Linux VMs on Apple silicon a delight to use." VMware Fusion will also not be able to virtualize Intel-based Windows or Linux distributions, while support for virtualizing macOS is not ready yet. We also ship components as open source, and that takes more time. our intentional decision to not fully support Windows is _entirely_ driven by the fact you can't actually run Windows on ARM on a Mac and still be in compliance with their EULA.